'slippers come in all shapes and sizes'
'Slippers come in all shapes and sizes'

Khiva's knitted socks are sold everywhere! Every other souvenir shop and most of the museums are filled with a wide selection of colours and sizes all keen for you to buy as many as possible. Although referred to as socks, (an English word now firmly entrenched in foreign vocabulary of souvenir sellers) most of them look more like slippers. These slippers are worn by most women in Khorezm and Turkmenistan during winter often with little more than house slippers to protect against the cold.
As well as slippers for sale are full, knee length socks which should be worn as moccasins over other socks as they can be a bit scratchy. They also make great Christmas stockings. If you plan to stay in Khiva for a few days it is possible to have slippers or stockings made to order by any of the museum women or stall holders. All socks and slippers are handmade.

'they make great christmas stockings'
'They make great christmas stockings'
'most women who work in  the museums spend their time knitting'
'Most women who work in the museums spend their time knitting'
'you can have slippers custom made with your own colour, design and size specifications'
'You can have slippers custom made with your own colour, design and size specifications'

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