Mohammed Amin Khan

Rakhim Kuli Khan's younger brother was quick to seize the throne, even though it should rightfully have gone to the Khan's sons. Still, he was to become one of Khiva's greatest Khans. He regained territory which had been lost for 400 years, built Khiva's largest Madrassah and considerably enriched the Khanate.

A man with a mission, he marched against the Sarik Turkomans the day after his coronation. The tribe, which was considered one of the most fearless and had proved so troublesome for his brother, was eventually subdued. His campaign took him as far south as Merv, near the border of present-day Iran. Having dealt with the Sarik Turkomans, the Tekke Turkomans were next, having refused to pay taxes to the Khan.

The Khan also made himself singularly unpopular with the Yomut Turkomans by throwing their leader off the Juma Minaret twice. The Turkoman's large baggy pants acted as a parachute and saved him from death the first time, but he was sent back up again by the heartless Khan. However, the Yomuts were able to revenge themselves during battle. A small band of Turkomans crept into the Khan's tent and lopped off his head before his retinue could spring to his defence. As a result the Khan's magnificent Madrassah, which had recently been completed, was never given the complementing minaret planned to dazzle the Muslim East. Instead the minaret remained unfinished at a rather squat 26 meters in height. Mohammed Amin had also laid ambitious plans to move the capital of Khorezm back to Kunya Urgench. Despite new canals and walls built for Kunya Urgench, his dream died with him.

The Last Khans
Overview | Mohammed Amin Inaq Khan | Iltazar Khan
Mohammed Rakhim Khan | Allah Kuli Khan | Rakhim Kuli Khan
Mohammed Amin Khan | Abdullah Khan | Murad Inaq Khan
Said Mohammed Khan | Feruz Khan
Isfandir Khan | Khans Descendants